top-Gidget blouse courtesy from the sweetest Rachel of StyleStalker. Thank you! ♥
coral ribbed knit pants-vintage Jean Paul Gaultier from Tokyo
wedges-YSL (I bought these about 2 years ago, but just recently, I've been seeing the Aldo Calcagni version pop up everywhere...I wonder what took them so long to knock off...they are usually so fast!)
I've been in Hong Kong for the past week and will be in China for another 10 days! Hong Kong is THE place to shop for rare designer items...hence it is near impossible for me to resist spending rent money on shoes. I failed not only once, (these Ann Demeulemeester red combat boots)
but twice (Junya Comme des Garcons boots...no pic yet)!! agghh....
♥ ♥ ♥